Julien Blanc-Gras features in ‘Le Mois de la Francophonie’ in Wellington

A banner with logos and the words Le Mois de la Francophone Alliance Française Wellington

During the month of March, the Alliance Française is hosting a range of different events, designed to showcase French-speaking countries and cultures, and the diversity of the French language.

Two of these feature Randell Cottage resident, Julien Blanc-Gras.

They are open to non-members as well as members. Bookings are essential.

Talk with Julien Blanc-Gras, French writer in residence
22 March – 6pm

French author, traveller, journalist, Julien Blanc-Gras has explored the four corners of the world, drawing inspiration from his journeys for many of his works. Dive into the captivating world of travel literature during our special talk, as he will share insights from his latest book “Envoyé un peu spécial”, followed by a Q&A session. From the remote corners of the globe to the depths of human experience, join us for an exploration of wanderlust and travel literature

FREE EVENT (koha donation) – Booking essential


Creative writing workshop, with Julien Blanc-Gras
“How to turn your travels into literature?”
23 MARCH – 10AM to 12PM

Unlock the secrets of transforming your adventures into captivating tales at our creative writing workshop led by Julien Blanc-Gras. A special moment in a small group guided by the author.
Join us for an inspiring session where imagination meets exploration.

$25 for members / $30 general admission
Breakfast included
In French (B2/C1 level)


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