Notice of Annual General Meeting

You are invited to the Annual General Meeting of Friends of the Randell Cottage Writers’ Trust to be held on:

Tuesday, 20 November 2018, 6.00 pm in the Gallery, Southern Cross, Abel Smith Street, Wellington.

Please RSVP to or call Robyn on 04 4764823 evenings by 15 November.


  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Quorum: 10 people
  4. Receive and approve the Minutes of the 25 October 2017, Annual General Meeting of Friends of the Randell Cottage Writers’ Trust
  5. Matters arising from the Minutes
  6. Receive and consider the Annual Report from the FRC Committee Chair
  7. Receive and consider the Annual Financial Statements from the Treasurer
  8. Receive and consider the following recommendation from the Committee of the annual subscriptions for the year (2018/19): that subscriptions for 2018/19 remain at $15.00 for seniors/students, $30.00 for individuals and families and $60.00 for businesses as set at the 2016 AGM.
  9. The election of the Officers of the Society:
    President: The Chair of the FRC Committee, Sian Robyns, has expressed her willingness to be nominated as President again
    Treasurer: Tracey Schuyt has expressed her willingness to be nominated as Treasurer
    Secretary: Robyn Skrzynska has expressed her willingness to be nominated as Secretary again
  10. The election of the three Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee:
    In accordance with the Rules:
    Tim Gruar and Leslie Brown have expressed willingness to be nominated as ordinary members of the Committee.
    There is room for the nomination of at least one ordinary member to the committee.
    Note: Any other nominations for President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Committee, with details of seconders (if any) and evidence of the willingness of the nominee
    to serve should be emailed to the Secretary at in advance of the meeting.
  11. Any other business.

The business part of the meeting will be followed by a speaker. Details to come.

Light snacks will be served.


Please RSVP to or call Robyn on 04 4764823 evenings by 15 November.